The Xcode lnterface Builder (IB) doesn't provide a clear way to handle a percentage based layout - for example, a screen where one view takes up 25% of the width of the screen, and the other view gets the rest.
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Here's one way to use IB for all but a few lines of code. (based on ideas from this stackoverflow post.)
For "view B", using Xcode IB, I put constraints on the top, right, bottom, and left
For "view A", using Xcode IB, I put constraints on the top, left, bottom, and then set the width to a fixed size. I edited the width constraint of "view A", and checked the "placeholder remove at build time" checkbox.
then, in the view controller's viewDidLoad, I added these two lines:
NSLayoutConstraint *c = [NSLayoutConstraint constraintWithItem:viewA
[viewA.superview addConstraint:c];
This just makes viewA 25% of the size of it's superview. Since viewB is tied to viewA's width, it also adjusts properly without having to specify extra constraints for it.
Thanks a lot buddy. It helped me a lot